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Hey dudes..
This s my second posting. This time I 'm not willing to bore you as much I did first. And 'm now speaking to you rain If someone watches me staring at rain, he 'll of course think in mind "this guy has got some problem. Actually that's the way how I encherish my my feelings and remember those joyous dawns. That's how I discover me in myself . When those sweet little kids of rain, washes away what I was in agony about, carries me to a world of glittering dreams. That's the way nature cures our broken ambitions, emotions, feelings and happiness. Yeap, rain certainly keeps inside a little spark of warmth through which we make ourselves eager to be with our loving ones. I don't know why all of you abuses and scolds my sweet rain. "Is it a nuissance?". Never never I think. When we search friends, we consider someone who can share our all things. So in that way I think rain can be our nice friend because she( it may be he or she . but i like to call 'she') always weeps me with me, smiles with me. And i will prefer walking in rain, so no one can see us crying and we can have good time then. And smiles, it was too late I discovered the magic of smiles. When I was in 12th it was very difficult to watch me laughing. If someone asks me why I didnt smile i 'll say proudly. Oops I keep a serious aproach about my life. So I cant laugh everytime. But oneday I happened to hear the words of our prophet. "Smiles are the greatest gift that god gave to men and said:- give it to your beloveds and spread happiness all over there. The heaven you are searching is deeply inside u";. There after I started to feel the sweetness of my smile. I think it s very infectitious when we smile at someone he can't go without smiling and you make that person happy too. So its the time to stop my boasting. Next blog 'll be posted on 26, july (inshah allah), take care yaar


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